Profile PictureStarseed Alliance International - Standswithbear & Lightstar

Randell Standswithbear and Lightstar (Susan Goldwag) are the founders of the Starseed Alliance International. Standswithbear harnesses Native American, Tibetan, Atlantean, and Lemurian knowledge, as well as from many other galactic civilizations. Working with the elementals as well as spiritual guides and angelics, he offers activations that penetrate deep within your cellular memories thus integrating that of your past selves, future and present. The name, Lightstar, originated from Susan's connection with an innovative new healing energy that came through her channeling with master healing spirits, angels, and spiritual guides. This new energy is disseminated directly from star matter and particles of light in specific locations in deep space, and is anchored into the human physical body for healing, as well as a variety of other usages. Her Lightstar Visual Attunement artwork and Universal Sensorium Activations are powerful healing tools. By the blending of both Lightstar and Standswithbear's visions, healing techniques, music, and visual attunement art, they offer a complete and comprehensive resource center for starseeds, and for all individuals seeking ancient and new galactic healing modalities, spiritual guidance, and information. For more information, please visit:

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Starseed Alliance Conference - Standswithbear

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